
Indiana University


Campaign Templates Research

My role & skills

Lead UX designer, team contributor

Project management

Research documentation


UX research


I currently work on the Core Properties team in the Digital Campus Design and Infrastructure sector of Indiana University. My team actively works to improve digital properties across the university while partnering with various teams to ensure brand and experience consistency across products. Part of this work includes designing and developing campaign landing pages while partnering with brand and marketing teams to work towards their goals with campaigns. The development process for landing pages can be extensive and a heavy lift for our team, so I’ve been leading the efforts of simplifying this process.


First, I identified core people across the university that actively work on campaigns. Their positions included work on analytics, accessibility, marketing, creative materials, and brand management. I lead interviews with each person to determine baseline factors in the campaign creation process for each of their teams. I also got their input on what would make their team’s efforts more simplified. After completing the interviews, I created a research document with my findings and ultimately landed on the decision to create “templates” for landing pages along with a series of documentation around best practices for landing pages.


The templates will be developed using Indiana University’s Rivet design system. I have been meeting regularly with the Rivet design team to provide feedback on their materials and guidance on what components and functionality my team could benefit from for this particular effort. We’re working on a “plug and play” type system where brand teams could replace content on the templates and move items on the page, so they won’t have to “recreate the wheel” for every campaign, all while still maintaining brand consistency.


The documentation portion of this project is what my primary focus has been. I began the documentation process by identifying areas where various brand teams weren’t as strong. These areas spanned across multiple disciplines including visual design, accessibility, analytics and content, depending on the individual team. Then, I began research on what topics were most important to cover within those areas while staying relevant to landing pages. From there, I created a documentation log with subject areas, topic ideas and minimum questions that needed to be covered with each piece of documentation. Finally, I identified subject matter experts within Indiana University and began facilitating the creation of this documentation.

Throughout the entire creation process, I have worked alongside stakeholders and gathering feedback to inform decisions made for this project.


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